Watch: 2016 dominated by Benghazi this week

The week in 2016 chatter was dominated by a proxy fight over Benghazi, as Republicans tried to use new revelations from Wednesday's White House document dump to


The week in 2016 chatter was dominated by a proxy fight over Benghazi, as Republicans tried to use new revelations from Wednesday's White House document dump to put chinks in Hillary Clinton's 2016 armor, and Democrats defended Clinton brand. The Daily Rundown's Chuck Todd takes an online exclusive look at Clinton and other potential contenders in our weekly 2016 White House roundup.

In other news, the Granite State was a hub of political activity, with Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., making a six-figure play for early state goodwill, Gov. Bobby Jindal, R-La., giving the Republican party a pep talk, and a poll from New England College showing Clinton dominating in the state which, briefly, made her a "Comeback Kid" in 2008.

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul will continue his whistle stop tour of early primary states when he heads to New Hampshire on Monday to headline the first-ever Liberty Dinner in Concord with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus.