Michele Bachmann meets Google Glass

Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann finagles a way to test out some new technology and simultaneously give a shout-out to the far-right.


Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann finagles a way to test out some new technology and simultaneously give a shout-out to the far-right.

All it takes is Google Glass. At a meeting with House Republicans earlier on Wednesday, Bachmann gave it a whirl.

Not familiar with Google Glass? In a nutshell, it’s a voice-activated computer attached to a pair of glasses. Think hands-free smartphone to the extreme. No need to feel bad if this is the first you’re hearing about it. Only 10% of American smartphone users say they would don a pair regularly.

So how did Bachmann’s test run go? ABC News’ Jeff Zeleny recounted the moment on Twitter:


So Michele Bachmann enters the next wave of technology with a visit to the conservative website Drudge Report.

Chances are this was an upside to a rough week for Michele Bachmann. On Tuesday, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton signed a bill officially legalizing same-sex marriage for the state. While other lawmakers from the state, such as Senator Al Franken, were enthusiastic about the news, Bachmann was, predictably, less than pleased.

"I’m proud to have introduced the original traditional marriage amendment, and I thank all Minnesotans who have worked so hard,” Bachmann tweeted when Minnesota state senators passed the bill earlier this week.

Take a look at the Hardball Sideshow for more on Bachmann’s foray into the future.