Top GOP senator 'fairly satisfied' on Benghazi answers

The ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said Wednesday he is comfortable that the facts are out regarding the deadly attack on the U.S.


The ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said Wednesday he is comfortable that the facts are out regarding the deadly attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya last September 11. Some Republicans have used the phrase "cover-up" when describing the Obama Administration's actions after the attack.

"I've been able to read all of the cables, I've seen the films—I feel like I know what happened in Benghazi. I'm fairly satisfied," Republican Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee said on Wednesday's The Daily Rundown. "But if the House wants to have hearings...hopefully, it will shed some light on what happened."

That's a far cry from what other top Republicans have said, including House Oversight & Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa of California. Issa said the public was "deliberately misled," on the events surrounding the Benghazi attack which left four Americans dead, including the U.S. ambassador.

On Morning Joe on Wednesday, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina alleged that the truth had been deliberately obscured then because of the upcoming presidential election.

"There was an effort by some senior people to put a political spin on this rather than tell the story that it was a terrorist attack from the get-go because it was so close to the election," said Graham.

The House Oversight Committee hears testimony Wednesday from State Department witnesses to the Benghazi attack.