#click3 Art genius draws Chris Hayes

The All In with Chris Hayes team puts out a daily call to the Twitter and Facebook communities for the “awesomest things” they encountered on the Internet.


The All In with Chris Hayes team puts out a daily call to the Twitter and Facebook communities for the “awesomest things” they encountered on the Internet.

1.  Post game, Dodgers right fielder Matt Kemp signs a ball for a young disabled fan. Then Kemp takes the shirt off of his back and hands it to the boy. Then Kemp takes the shoes off of his feet and hands them to the boy. Kemp smiles, then trots off.

2. An abridged recording of a commencement address given at Kenyon College by the late fiction writer, David Foster Wallace, was put to video. The speech points out life's frustrations, disappointments, and its incessant banality. He encourages us face those challenges and try, always, to emerge from hardship. The video is a lovely companion to the speech and a must see for Foster Wallace fans.

3.  On Friday, while Chris was reporting breaking news, 9-year-old Grace Stephens was recreating the action by hand. Check out the photo of her rendition:

@allinwithchris My 9 year old daughter drew this picture of you during Friday's breaking news. twitter.com/nfitz10/status…— Nora Fitzpatrick (@nfitz10) May 7, 2013