NOW Today: Better off?

He's most recently made headlines for selling his TV network  and for blaming President Obama's poor Denver debate performance on the altitude.

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore talks during an interview, Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013 in New York. Gore, who takes aim in his new book at the corporate media...

He's most recently made headlines for selling his TV network  and for blaming President Obama's poor Denver debate performance on the altitude. Or even before that, for winning a Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar. But former Vice President Al Gore may always be remembered for the one thing he didn't win: the 2000 Presidential election. In an recent interview, Gore was asked to respond to former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's doubts about Bush v. Gore, the case that sent George W. Bush to the White House and Gore home in defeat. Gore said that he "made a decision in the immediate aftermath" of the decision to "respect the rule of law" and even though he "strongly disagreed" with the opinion, he says he believed it was "best for the country" not to prolong the process with a "political squabble." But while his presidential defeat may still sting, Gore has achieved victory of a different kind. Bloomberg reports that the former Veep has amassed a Romney-esque fortune that may exceed $200 million, $70 million of which may have come from his sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera. Now Gore is reflecting on his successes and failures in a new profile in New York Magazine. We'll talk all things Gore with the writer of that piece, Contributing Editor Steve Fishman when he joins the NOW panel at noon ET on msnbc.



Howard Wolfson, Deputy Mayor, New York City (@howiewolf)

Jonathan Capehart, The Washington Post/msnbc Contributor (@capehartj)

Karen Finney, msnbc Host (@finneyk)



Peter Baker, White House Correspondent, The New York Times (@peterbakernyt)

Steve Fishman, Contributing Editor, New York Magazine (@stevemfishman)

Julia Reed, Author, “But Mama Always Put Vodka In Her Sangria!”