Top Links: What you may have missed at the NRA's convention in Houston

Top Story: Kicking yourself because you had to miss the NRA’s annual convention this year? No worries. We’ve got you covered.

NRA Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre at this year's NRA convention in Houston.

Top Story: Kicking yourself because you had to miss the NRA’s annual convention this year? No worries. We’ve got you covered.

  • Gov. Howard Dean, who got the NRA’s endorsement in each of his six elections as Vermont’s governor, says the gropu is the “equivalent of the John Birch Society.” (Politico)
  • He’s no Wayne LaPierre, though. Listen to Mr. NRA himself draw a line between the Boston Bombings and gun ownership. Oh, and try not to cringe. (The Huffington Post)
  • We’ll all remember where we were when Texas Gov. Rick Perry defeated the Great Egg Menace. (NBC News)
  • Criminals would never think that parents would hide their guns in their children’s rooms. Which is true. In a way. (Think Progress)
  • And guess which “eat more chikin”-logoed fast food chain decided to appear at the NRA convention? I’ll give you a hint, they’re not very big on same-sex marriage. (Julie Bykowicz)
  • Oh, and former U.S. Senator Larry “wide stance” Craig, R-Airport mens’ room, was re-elected to the NRA’s board of directors. (James Hohmann)
  • The NRA did take time this weekend to cut a check to Mark Sanford. But $2,000 almost sounds like an insult. (Ken Vogel)
  • Scary but true: “Gun dealers whose licenses are revoked for misconduct can sell their inventories free from background checks.” (Politifact)