Boasts, blurting and bewildered, continued

The standing open discussion thread for Decryptomaddowlogical puzzles from 126 to whenever it begins to take too long for the thread to load


For puzzles #1 through #125, go to the archived thread.

This will be the new standing link for comments on the Decryptomaddowlogical puzzles beginning with #126.

It is completely understandable to want to blurt out the answer when you've solved a puzzle. What we want to avoid is for those boasts to spoil it for anyone else. So what we do is close the comments on the individual puzzle pages, so there's no risk of accidentally seeing the answer. Instead, click on over to the discussion thread attached to this page where you can find the answer if you're stumped, or sometimes an extra clue.

Don't worry if you're not the first person to answer, you're allowed to boast regardless.

Do number your answer. The thread stays relatively orderly but it only works if people see what puzzle you're solving.

Afterthought: For those of you familiar with the "groups" feature of's commenting system, we just use "General Discussion" for this.