Top Links: Conservative Mickey Kaus goes on a 'search' for Marco Rubio's 'manhood' over immigration

Top story: The one-two punch of possible immigration and background check deals does not a happy far right make.

Sen. Marco Rubio: Gang of 8 member and Mickey Kaus target.

Top story: The one-two punch of possible immigration and background check deals does not a happy far right make.

  • You read right, The Daily Caller's Mickey Kaus is attacking Sen. Maro Rubio, R-Florida, over the immigration deal reached by the Senate’s bipartisan Gang of 8, of which Rubio is a member: “The search for Marco Rubio’s manhood is now focused on a wooded area near the Maryland border.” (Mickey Kaus)
  • The reason? Kaus smells a rat. He says a portion of the gang’s immigration reform deal that deals with border security—the 90% requirement—is a ruse. Or, in Kaus’ words, it’s yet another of Rubio’s “fig leaves that are supposed to make amnesty palatable to border-control Republicans.” (The Daily Caller)
  • Invective aside, Kaus may have a point: The 90% requirement may be structured in such a way to provide both sides of the debate the talking points they need to sell the bill. Think of it as a bite without teeth. (The New York Times)
  • Kaus isn’t the only member of the No Shrinking Violet Caucus. Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, also has a question: “How come all these meetings on immigration are going on and I’m not being invited to them?” (Taegan Goddard)
  • Unfortunately for both, the latest NBC/WSJ poll says that “47% of GOP respondents favor a path to citizenship, but that increases to 73% when told the path requires paying fines and back taxes” (Mark Murray)
  • And this is sure to irritate Kaus, King and others: USA Today is joining the Associated Press and refraining from using the term “illegal immigrant.” (Jim Romenesko)
  • “With bipartisan deals emerging on guns and immigration, Tea Party lawmakers in the lower chamber are warning their leaders to slow down.” (The Hill)
  • Rep. Stockman: "Fact: The Senate anti-gun bill would not have stopped the tragedy in Newtown. Gun control will make your neighborhoods as violent as Chicago." (Rep. Steve Stockman)
  • It doesn’t help that the NRA is scoring the background check vote — mind you, a vote on whether the Senate should even debate the merit of a background check. (Slate)