'MHP' Syllabus: 3.7.15

On the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, Melissa Harris-Perry will be live from Selma, Alabama, while Dorian Warren holds down the nerdland fort in New York.

Melissa Harris Perry MHP The Syllabus

Saturday on MHP … it’s our first-ever split show!!!! On the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday – the violent clash between civil rights marchers and state troopers on the Edmund Pettus Bridge -- Melissa Harris-Perry will be live from Selma, Alabama, while Dorian Warren holds down the nerdland fort in New York. We have a slew of incredible guests coming your way and will explore the connective tissue between the issues and events of Selma 50 years ago and the struggles that continue today.

Speaking of connective tissue: Ferguson.

The Department of Justice shined a light this week on police practices viewed largely as city revenue generators. According to the DOJ’s report the black residents of Ferguson have been routinely harassed. In case after case according to the DOJ, black residents have met humiliation and physical force at the hands of police.

VIP alert!

President Obama will be speaking at the Edmund Pettus Bridge on Saturday, joined by former President George W. Bush, along with a bipartisan Congressional delegation of 95 members. We’ll look ahead to the President’s speech – which by the way, MSNBC will carry live.

Also – get ready for some social justice name dropping!

Melissa will be joined by some of the people who were there that day 50 years ago, including the Reverend Dr. Bernard Lafayette and civil rights activist Diane Nash. Also scheduled to be on the program is director of SNCC’s Mississippi Project from 1961-1965, Bob Moses. Also joining us will be Rev. William Barber, President of the North Carolina NAACP State Conference.

Check out some suggested reading:

Be sure to read what we’ve linked above, and watch Melissa Harris-Perry Sunday at 10am ET on msnbc. Join the conversation—share your thoughts about these issues on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #nerdland.