Links for the 7/11 TRMS

Citations for Thursday's show are listed after the jump.Facebook: USS George H.W. Bush Navy One Step Closer To UAV Carrier Ops Truman Hosts First Flight Deck

Links for the 7/11 TRMS

Citations for Thursday's show are listed after the jump.

Facebook: USS George H.W. Bush

Navy One Step Closer To UAV Carrier Ops

Truman Hosts First Flight Deck Taxiing of X-47B UCAS-D

X-47B Accomplishes First Ever Carrier Touch and Go aboard CVN 77

Sequester memo gets political - AF: No wrongdoing by Booz Allen over Snowden - Lindsey Graham, Mr. Moneybags

Furlough etymology

Chantal threatens Caribbean; South Florida in cone

Scott questions furloughs as Tropical Storm Chantal grows in Atlantic

Gulf states' letter to President Obama (pdf)

Local preschool programs lose out in sequester

How the Sequester Hurts Cancer Patients

Chief Justice Roberts: Sequester cuts hitting federal judiciary 'hard'

Surprise! Huge US Budget Surplus Shatters Record

Florida National Guard Workers Begin Furloughs

Republicans in House Resist Overhaul for Immigration

House GOP pushes immigration reform to the brink

The discharge petition's role in the immigration reform debate, explained

House approves new abortion bill

@aayers324: said it best "On Second thought I can see how NC got confused on this one" #vaginamotorcycle

Women Don Helmets To Protest Abortion Restrictions In North Carolina's Motorcycle Safety Bill

Whose Choice: How the Hyde Amendment Harms Poor Women

"This hypocrite broke up my family"

Report of Hyde Affair Stirs Anger

First Annual Red, White and Blue Gala (pdf)

Updated gala invite

A birther by any other name

House majority whip, Nevada GOP luminaries to appear at event with prominent local birther

Freedom Fest speakers

Rand Paul defends secessionist staffer

Rand Paul aide has history of neo-Confederate sympathies, inflammatory statements

How I got my moniker and why states' rights and secession still makes sense