Score a touchdown on this news quiz?

Consider this your practice before Sunday's big game. Can you score a touchdown on the news quiz?

An official game ball for the NFL football Super Bowl XLIX is photographed, Jan. 20, 2015, at the Wilson Sporting Goods football factory in Ada, Ohio.

Consider this your practice before Sunday's big game. Can you score a touchdown on this news quiz?

The Congressional Budget Office also reported that signing up for Obamcare costs 20% less than what they initially projected.  

New York City was spared the worst of the storm, but in some parts of Massachusetts and Connecticut snowfall exceeded 20 inches

The production of a new "Ghostbusters" gained traction after Harold Ramis, the writer and co-star of the original films, passed away last year. 

Thirty seconds of ad time costs about $4.5 million — watch the ad

Now that this declaration has been made, find out the next steps the Malaysian authorities are taking.

Find out more about this potential 2016 presidential contender’s proposed cuts.

Read the encouraging words this actress had to say about her father’s announcement.

“It is that document and the ideals embodied therein to which I have devoted my professional life,” this person said

Alexander was prosecuted by Angela Corey, who was also the prosecutor in the trial of George Zimmerman, who was acquitted in the February 2012 killing of Trayvon Martin. 

The justices’ decision marked the first time since 2008 that the high court has agreed to hear a challenge to the legality of lethal injection.