Rev's Early Reads: December 3

Grand jury vote expected soon in NYPD chokehold death...House GOP plans attack on Pres. Obama's immigration GOP rep. calls the safety net a "bribe."

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New York grand jury could vote as early as today on police chokehold death of Eric Garner.

House GOP prepares plan to attack Pres. Obama's immigration action -- starting with vote this week.

GOP congressman says 12-14 lawmakers support impeaching Pres. Obama.

Michigan sheriff defends stopping African-American man who was walking with his hands in his pocket. (Video)

GOP Benghazi "truthers" ramp up their criticism of a Republican report debunking right-wing myths about the attack.

Memorial service held today for 12-year-old boy shot by Cleveland police while holding pellet gun.

Incoming GOP congressman says social safety net is "a bribe not to work that hard."

Jimmy Fallon and NBC's Brian Williams slow-jam the news on Pres. Obama's executive action. (Video)

New Muhammad Ali selfie lights up the Internet.