Rev's Early Reads: November 24

Ferguson grand jury meets today... Pres. Obama defends immigration action... GOP report debunks Benghazi conspiracy theories.

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Ferguson grand jury meets today after night of protests.

Pres. Obama urges demonstrators in Ferguson to “keep protests peaceful."

Rudy Giuliani faces backlash after telling black pundit "White police officers wouldn't be there if you weren't killing each other."

Pres. Obama defends executive action on immigration: "Why we would prefer a system in which they're in the shadows?"

New Benghazi report by GOP-led panel debunks virtually all right-wing talking points about the attack...

...leading Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham to say "the report is full of crap."

Pres. Obama awards Medal of Freedom to recipients, including Meryl Streep, Tom Brokaw & Stevie Wonder.

Former Washington mayor Marion Barry has died.