2014's most offensive Halloween costumes

Here’s our guide on how to avoid the most offensive, topical costumes of 2014 and which costumes might be a better bet.

A young man, dressed in a biohazard costume, stands on the corner of 546 West 147th Street on October 25, 2014 in New York City.

Every year, a handful of Halloween revelers earn infamy and derision for donning offensive, insensitive or downright racist Halloween costumes. Remember last year, when some people chose to dress up as a Boston Bombing victim? How about the classic “Anna Rexia” outfit that mocks those suffering from eating disorders? Or perhaps the most disturbing, this child molestation costume?

Don’t be those people. Here’s our guide on how to avoid the most offensive topical getups of 2014 -- and which costumes might be a better bet.

1. Ray Rice

Former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice was suspended indefinitely from the NFL this year for knocking his then-fiancée Janay Palmer unconscious in an elevator last February. Leaked surveillance footage exposed the dispute and millions of fans watched in horror as a popular football star violently hurt the woman he’d later marry. But that's not stopping some couples from dressing up as the infamous couple. Photos have begun to surface of different Ray and Janay Rice costumes: One women dressed as Janay is seen with a big, black eye, while a man is seen dragging a life-size blow-up doll along the floor to represent Janay. Finally, here’s a child in "blackface," also dragging a baby doll by its hair. 

Janay Rice responded to one of the costumes, saying "it's sad, that my suffering amuses others."

2. Adrian Peterson

Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson was indicted last month for a felony charge of injuring a child -- he allegedly used a wooden switch to discipline his four-year-old son earlier this year. A doctor reported Peterson to authorities after treating the child’s injuries, according to TMZ. More than four children die daily from child abuse and 3.6 million cases are reported every year in the U.S.

TMZ found a Los Angeles man dressed up as Peterson, wearing a football jersey and carrying a baby doll and a switch. Don’t be that guy. 

3. Ebola anything

Sexy Ebola nurse, anyone? Here’s the reality behind such costumes: The deadly virus has killed nearly 5,000 people in Africa, ravaging three countries and threatening the health care workers who treat it. More than 200 have already died trying to help others. In the U.S., a patient who contracted Ebola in Liberia died in a Dallas hospital and two nurses were infected while caring for him. Last week in New York, a U.S. doctor who had treated Ebola patients in Africa was diagnosed with the disease.

If you must adopt something Ebola-related this Halloween, consider a quarantine and stay home.

4. Malaysia Airlines and its very bad year

One Malaysia Airline flight disappeared into the ocean this year and another was shot down in Ukraine. Scores of passengers died in both incidents and hundreds of families are still mourning their losses. Costumes inspired by those tragedies are about as funny as last year’s bloody Asiana Airlines costumes.

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Here are a few costumes that might be a better bet, for the politically-minded Halloween goers.

1. Joni Ernst

This Iowa GOP Senate candidate broke through in a campaign ad where she boasted of castrating hogs and promising to “Make Washington Squeal.” Don some Kate Gosselin-esque hair, an all-knowing, well-polling smile, and don’t forget winter plaid.

2. Gov. Bob McDonnell and Maureen McDonnell

Former Republican Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife Maureen McDonnell were convicted on multiple charges of corruption in September. The governor’s defense offered vivid details of the couple's crumbling marriage and Maureen McDonnell's infatuation with a favor-seeking nutritional supplement peddler who plied both McDonnells with luxury trips and jewelry. Get out your power suits, flag pins, major bling for Maureen and Rolex for Bob and you’re ready to go to court!

3. Grandma Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton has been making the rounds stumping for Democrats across the country this midterm season. She’s also taken on a new role as grandma to her daughter Chelsea's new baby, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky. Dressing up as Grandma Hillary is easy -- All you need is one of her classic pant suits, a baby doll and a Ready for Hillary pin. And remember, be vague when people ask if you’re running for president!

4. Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky

Looking for that perfect costume for the little person in your life? Look no further than the newest addition to the Clinton family. Dress up your little one in that perfect power onesie, a Ready for Hillary pin, of course, and she is ready to hit the campaign trail with grandma!