Tuesday's Mini-Report

Today's edition of quick hits:* More on conditions at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility on tonight's show.* This would mark a major change in Syria:


Today's edition of quick hits:

* More on conditions at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility on tonight's show.

* This would mark a major change in Syria: "President Obama is preparing to send lethal weaponry to the Syrian opposition and has taken steps to assert more aggressive U.S. leadership among allies and partners seeking the ouster of President Bashar al-Assad, according to senior administration officials." [Update: NBC News is reporting that as of now, there's been no decision to arm the rebels in Syria, but officials acknowledge it is fluid and they are preparing for contingencies.]

* Meanwhile, 62% of Americans oppose U.S. intervention in Syria, much to the chagrin of John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and the panelists on "Fox News Sunday."

* This won't help the defense: "Ricin has been found in a business once used by the man charged in the case of letters laced with the deadly poison being sent to President Barack Obama, according to a court document made public Tuesday that also said the substance was found on items the suspect dumped in a public trash bin."

* Housing: "The housing market remains on the road to recovery with home prices rising at a fast pace while foreclosure rates decline, according to two new reports released Tuesday."

* A difficult confrontation: "The daughter of a Newtown victim confronted Sen. Kelly Ayotte during her first town hall meeting since voting against expanding background checks on all commercial gun sales."

* A Korean girl has become "the first child in the world to receive a bio-artificial trachea made from stem cells from her own bone marrow in a pioneering operation at Children's Hospital of Illinois." Amazing.

* FCC: "President Obama on Wednesday will nominate Tom Wheeler, a former telecom industry lobbyist, to head the Federal Communications Commission, a White House official confirmed to The Hill."

* Read Greg Sargent on why the "Green Lantern Theory of Presidential Power" persists.

* And on the six-month anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) has once again made conservatives upset by praising President Obama. "Listen, the president has kept every promise that he made," Christie told msnbc.

Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.