When the NRA comes to town

The National Rifle Association wrapped up its annual convention over the weekend, and much of the gathering went as expected. The NRA presented its familiar

When the NRA comes to town

The National Rifle Association wrapped up its annual convention over the weekend, and much of the gathering went as expected. The NRA presented its familiar faces (Wayne LaPierre), its familiar villains (President Obama, Michael Bloomberg), it's friends who are struggling to remain relevant (Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin), and a whole bunch of Republicans who are likely to run for president (Santorum, Perry, Walker, and Jindal).

Of course, it also presented a sadly predictable ugly side. One vendor at the convention, for example, sold "life-sized" torsos made to look like the president, which "bleed when you shoot them." Asked if the Obama likeness was intentional, the vendor told BuzzFeed, "Let's just say I gave my Republican father one for Christmas."

Looking ahead, one of the more notable developments for the organization is the election of James Porter, an Alabama attorney, as the group's new president. LaPierre may be the public face and CEO of the right-wing group, but David Keene, the former chairman of the American Conservative Union, has served as NRA president.

And Porter will make Keene look moderate by comparison.

As shown by his "culture war" comment Friday and others in his past, Porter's style is likely to be one that fans the flames of an emotionally combustible debate.Porter has called President Barack Obama a "fake president," Attorney General Eric Holder "rabidly un-American" and the U.S. Civil War the "War of Northern Aggression." On Friday, he repeated his call for training every U.S. citizen in the use of standard military firearms, to allow them to defend themselves against tyranny.

That last point is of particular interest. Our friends at "All In with Chris Hayes" aired a Porter clip on Friday's show that stood out for me: "Our most greatest [sic] charges that we can have today is to train the civilian in the use of the standard military firearm, so when they have to fight for their country, they are ready do it. Also, when they are ready to fight tyranny, they are ready do it. Also, when they are ready to fight tyranny, they have the wherewithal and weapons to do it."

Porter hasn't specified who, exactly, the tyrants might be, but it sounds as if he wants American civilians to be trained to use military weapons in case they need to commit acts of violence against the United States.

Say hello to the new president of the NRA.