Rev's Early Reads: October 24

"Disease detectives" retrace NYC ebola doctor's movements, contacts as the disease hits America's largest city.

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NYC mayor says "there's no reason to be alarmed" after Doctor Craig Spencer diagnosed with ebola.

Officials isolate the doctor's fiancé & 2 friends while scrambling to find who else he's been in contact with.

"Disease detectives" retrace Doctor Spencer's steps (bowling, subway trip, Uber car) in the hours before his fever spiked.

Recently uncovered report on Monica Lewinsky says prosecutors "exercised poor judgment and made mistakes" when trying to get her to cooperate.

Amnesty says Ferguson police committed human rights abuses during protests after Michael Brown shooting.

Brad Pitt sits down for best "Between Two Ferns" since Pres. Obama: "You live in your wife's shadow."