Week in Geek: We are explorers

NASA created this video to remind us that even though the Space Shuttle program is no more, our drive to explore lives on and the agency is continually working


NASA created this video to remind us that even though the Space Shuttle program is no more, our drive to explore lives on and the agency is continually working on new endeavors to go further and faster. The video itself is essentially an ad for NASA, but as a government organization, they are prevented from directly buying ad time. So instead they are crowdsourcing the funding to get the video into movie theaters as a "trailer" before screenings of the new "Star Trek into Darkness" film coming out next month. To date, they have succeeded in raising enough money to get the trailer into 50+ theaters, but their new goal is to get it into 750, including one in every state. Oh, and if the narrator sounds familiar…it's Optimus Prime.

More geek from exploring the world around us:

Now go explore the geek around you.