Rev's Early Reads: October 22

New claims about Michael Brown shooting... right-wingers attack "early voting craze"... Renee Zellweger responds to "new face" snark.

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New Officer Wilson account claims he killed Michael Brown only after he began running towards the officer.

Michael Brown autopsy and toxicology report also leaked to St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Koch brothers-backed group to spend millions on "closing argument" ads in key Senate races.

Right-wing National Review attacks "early voting craze" by saying that "too much of anything can be bad."

Scott Brown denies he ever said ISIS terrorists could cross the U.S. border -- despite doing so repeatedly.

GOP lawmaker crams ISIS, ebola, immigrants and "the paralysis disease" all into one fringe rant -- with Donald Trump at his side. (Video)

Renee Zellweger responds to web snark about her appearance: “I’m glad folks think I look different."