Rev's Early Reads: October 20

Quarantine period ends for ebola family... Pres. Obama to vote early... Divided Supreme Court upholds Texas voter ID law.

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Pres. Obama to cast his early ballot today in 2014 midterm elections.

Quarantine period ends for family of ebola patient who died earlier this month.

Family of Dallas nurse who got ebola hits back at her critics.

Maine teacher put on leave because of visit to Dallas conference 10 miles away from ebola hospital.

Sen. Cruz accuses Obama admin. of treating ebola as a "political issue rather than as a public health crisis."

Republican senator blames Pres. Obama for GOP's failure to approve surgeon general.

New York Times reveals disturbing new details about the hazing attacks in Sayreville, NJ.

Report says Michael Brown's blood found on police officer's gun, clothing.

Divided Supreme Court upholds Texas voter ID law that accepts a gun permit but not student ID.