Wednesday's Campaign Round-Up, 10.8.14

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

Today's installment of campaign-related news items that won't necessarily generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to political observers:
* Georgia's U.S. Senate race continues to get more interesting, with PPP now showing David Perdue (R) with just a two-point lead over Michelle Nunn (D), 45% to 43%. Note, with Libertarian Amanda Swafford polling at 5%, the possibility of a December runoff remains quite real.
* On a related note, Nunn's campaign wasted no time putting together an ad highlighting Perdue's boasts about outsourcing American jobs for much of his career in the private sector.
* In Georgia's gubernatorial race, meanwhile, the PPP poll shows incumbent Gov. Nathan Deal (R) up by five over Jason Carter (D), 46% to 41%. Libertarian Andrew Hunt is at 4%, suggesting a runoff is possible in this race, too.
* In Kansas, a SurveyUSA poll conducted for KSN-TV show Greg Orman (I) leading Sen. Pat Roberts (R) in their race, 47% to 42%.
* The same poll offers more bad news for Kansas Republicans, with Paul Davis (D) leading Gov. Sam Brownback (R) by the same margin as the Senate race, 47% to 42%.
* For those keeping an eye on Kansas' Secretary of State race, the same poll found Kris Kobach (R) leading Jean Schodorf (D), 48% to 43%.
* In Florida's gubernatorial race, three statewide polls this week each show former Gov. Charlie Crist (D) with narrow leads over incumbent Gov. Rick Scott (R).
* The DSCC launched a new attack ad in Kentucky yesterday, going after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R), though the ad is less interesting than the circumstances: the DSCC obviously believes this race remains competitive.
* In Connecticut's gubernatorial race, Quinnipiac now shows Gov. Dannel Malloy (D) tied with Tom Foley (R), 43% to 43%. That's arguably good news for Malloy -- the last Quinnipiac poll showed him trailing by six.
* And in Pennsylvania, the latest Quinnipiac poll offers Gov. Tom Corbett (R) some good news and some bad news. The good news from the governor's perspective is that he's narrowed the gap a bit against Tom Wolf (D). The bad news is, Corbett is still trailing by 17 points.