Rev's Early Reads: October 6

Pres. Obama coordinates ebola response... wealthy giving less to charity, the poor giving moore... "Al Sharpton" returns to SNL.

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Pres. Obama meets with officials today charged with fighting ebola outbreak.

Ebola patient in Dallas now in critical condition: "His situation has taken a turn for the worse."

NBC News cameraman who contracted ebola arrives in U.S. for treatment.

New report shows the wealthy are giving less to charity while the poor are giving more.

RNC chairman Reince Priebus dodges questions about anti-choice law in Texas.

GOP senator is "fearful" that Pres. Obama's ISIS strategy is motivated by midterm elections.

Oil company co-founder under fire after Facebook rant: “I’m sick and tired of minorities running our country!"

Rush Limbaugh revives "job trutherism" -- says "there's no way this country has... an unemployment rate of 5.9%."

Protesters interrupt St. Louis Symphony with "Requiem for Michael Brown." (Video)

Kenan Thompson revives his "Al Sharpton" impression on SNL. (Video)