Doomsdayers descend on New York

I'm not saying last night's Rewrite (which you can watch above) is the cause, but the group behind the "Doomsday is next Saturday" movement was out in force tod

Doomsdayers descend on New York

I'm not saying last night's Rewrite (which you can watch above) is the cause, but the group behind the "Doomsday is next Saturday" movement was out in force today in Midtown Manhattan just outside The Last Word HQ at 30 Rock. It's a really beautiful day here in New York, so several of us walked into work today. Both myself and Last Word staffer Ronnie encountered the Doomsdayers and started snapping photos with our phones. Here's some of what we all saw:

Doomsdayers descend on New York
Doomsdayers descend on New York
Doomsdayers descend on New York
Doomsdayers descend on New York

More often than not, these pamphlets end up in the trash or, in the case of this last photo, on the ground (**disclaimer: The Last Word does not condone littering). It's amazing strange impressive (I guess that's the best word for it) that this group can get this many people to pound pavement for them. But something tells me they're all going to feel pretty ridiculous come May 22nd. At the very least, all this talk of Armageddon has put me in the mood for a particular Ben Folds song.