Cable news dream: Bachmann 2012

The dream for all of us who work in cable news might come true: Michele Bachmann 2012!There are reports out today that Rep.


The dream for all of us who work in cable news might come true: Michele Bachmann 2012!

There are reports out today that Rep. Bachmann might announce her run for the Republican nomination as soon as this Thursday at an Iowa fundraiser. She has deep family roots in Iowa and is popular with Republican Evangelical voters, who turn out heavily in the caucuses.

msnbc's own Howard Fineman and Chris Matthews think Bachmann will get in the race because she believes she can best all the other candidates in Iowa now that Mike Huckabee has bowed out. 

The Minnesota congresswoman riled the 2012 speculation even more today by releasing a new "money bomb" video to supporters. She mentions her family is considering what the next 18 months could bring and is hoping that her enthusiastic supporters can show her fundraising prowess in helping make President Obama a "one-term president." 

I think all of us want to help her run — the live television moments would be epic. One high school student, 16-year-old Amy Myers, even offered to help Bachmann prep by challenging her to a debate on the US Constitution.