Palin stealing the (Rolling) Thunder?

Sarah Palin’s planned visit to a Memorial Day motorcycle rally in DC came as an unwelcome surprise to organizers.

Sarah Palin (file)

Sarah Palin’s planned visit to a Memorial Day motorcycle rally in DC came as an unwelcome surprise to organizers. One leader of Rolling Thunder, a non-profit advocacy group dedicated to helping prisoners of war and veterans, made it clear she will not be allowed to speak or bring her bus.

In an interview with msnbc’s Andrea Mitchell today, Rolling Thunder National Legislative Director Ted Shpak said her visit would be a "big distraction" from their purpose and she wasn't invited. He said Palin didn’t give them any heads up of her plans.

Though, there are mixed reports as to whether or not she was invited, and in what capacity. According to Politico, another top official said "an invitation had been extended" to Palin "and she accepted." The group's parliamentarian Mike De Paulo said "she was not invited to speak — she was invited to participate. She wanted to experience the run and see who we are and what we're about."

The event is open to the public. So Sarah could still ride into town on a Harley just yet.

Rolling Thunder does not endorse any political candidates.