Labor laws under attack?

Here’s an interesting read from The Cap Times about the repeal of Wisconsin’s 20th Century labor laws.The current Republican lawmakers have a different game


Here’s an interesting read from The Cap Times about the repeal of Wisconsin’s 20th Century labor laws.

The current Republican lawmakers have a different game plan. As he opened debate on the budget bill, the Republican speaker said that nearly half of his caucus are first-term legislators who have pledged to enact a revolutionary agenda regardless of the damage it may do to their re-election prospects. Secure in the knowledge they can return to the private sector or get a position in the Walker administration, they are willing to shoot for the moon.To their credit, today’s majority party does seek to win the next election — the standard we have come to expect from elected officials.Their cause is to return Wisconsin to the gilded age, that time before Bob La Follette wrenched control of our government from the corporate lion’s paw, before effective unions, before the poll tax was prohibited, before the eight-hour day and 40-hour week, before child labor laws, before credit unions, before environmental laws regulated business and industry, before senior care to the time when advanced education was the privilege of the upper class. Some have suggested they wish to repeal the 21st century. No, their desire is to repeal the 20th century. They wish to eliminate the idea of community in our statutes and escort us to the fantasy land of Ayn Rand.