Fact-checking Michele Bachmann

If the John Wayne/John Wayne Gacy flub is any indication, Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann has a tendency to use unreliable data when speaking i


If the John Wayne/John Wayne Gacy flub is any indication, Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann has a tendency to use unreliable data when speaking in public. msnbc's Daily Rundown put together a great video fact-checking her claims. Here are a few recent highlights:

Claim: Michele Bachmann claims federal limousines up 73 percent under Obama.Verdict: Barely True

Claim: Food prices for barbecues up 29 percent because of Barack Obama, according to Bachmann.Verdict: False

Claim: Bachmann said farm belongs to her father in law.Verdict: 75% false

Claim: New Hampshire was location of “shots heard 'round the world” in Revolutionary War, said Bachmann.Verdict: False