Sarah Palin at Values Voter Summit: Liberals are the intolerant ones!

Sarah Palin argued at the Values Voter Summit on Friday that liberals are “intolerant” and "scream racism" to avoid debate.


Sarah Palin argued at the Values Voter Summit on Friday that liberals are “intolerant” and "scream racism" to avoid debate.

“The lies that they tell about you,” she said addressing the crowd of social conservatives at the Values Voter Summit. “That disgusting charge of being racist. I’m speaking to the most slandered group in America! Join me in saying we wear your scorn with pride.”

Walking on stage as a video of a roaring grizzly bear played, Palin received an uproarious response. Her address earned applause and cheers, particularly a "Coffee-gate" bit she did about the president's unintentionally clumsy salute to soliders while carrying a coffee cup recently.

Palin's speech was filled with her usual repertoire of folksy quips. On the airstrikes in Syria? "Barack’s bombs, oh they’re the bomb!" On President Obama's final years in office? "In two years it’s going to be the end of an error!" she said, repeating the final word to highlight her wordplay. She also mistakenly said the White House was located at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue, when in fact it is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Palin argued that liberals “can’t defeat our arguments so all [they] can do is change the subject … [by] pulling the race card. How much longer do you think they’re gonna? It’s not even smart.”

She then went on to list former Rep. Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson and others, who have been heavily criticized by the media for making racially insensitive comments. Carson has argued that Obamacare was the worst thing "since slavery" and West once argued that Democratic politicians kept blacks on the “plantation.”

“They scream racism our way just to end the debate. Well, don’t retreat, reload with truth!” Palin said. 

Her rant began when she was celebrating truth as a virtue — something the liberal, "lamestream media" doesn't respect, she argued.

"I Iearned the other day that I’m in the middle of another divorce or again, the same divorce, I don’t know. I read it it — must be true," she said, explaining that a “liberal blog” had posted a photo of her without her wedding ring, stirring rumors of a divorce.

“I rarely wear a ring up in Alaska, we’re chopping wood or butchering a moose or something!” she declared.