Business Latest: UN climate change

While some say this week was a good start, other experts say the ideas don’t go far enough and may even miss the mark.

In this Jan. 19, 2012 file photo, smoke rises in this time exposure image from the stacks of the La Cygne Generating Station coal-fired power plant in La Cygne, Kan.

UN CLIMATE CHANGE: HOW MUCH WILL ACTUALLY GET DONE?: The UN has laid out some ambitious plans in areas like agriculture, energy and resiliency to stop the effects of climate change. The goals are aimed for next February’s global summit in Paris that would force the plans into action.  While some say this week was a good start, other experts say the ideas don’t go far enough and may even miss the mark. Major questions remain over how much governments and the private sector will do.  Read more

SMART WAYS COMPANIES ARE HELPING THE PLANET: These companies are taking unusual steps to help the planet. Read more

HOTEL MINIMUM WAGE: With the federal minimum wage stuck at $7.25, the battle for raises has splintered to the point where the frontline sometimes winnows down to a single industry in a single city, such as the $15.37 hotel workers wage adopted this week by the Los Angeles City Council. But the $15.37 hourly rate, among the highest minimum wages in the country, will apply to only 39 businesses and could wind-up backfiring by triggering layoffs and creating an "ill-fated competitive difference" with nearby exempt hotels.  Read more