Have you kept up with all of the worldly news this week?

Stay on top of international events with this week's worldly news quiz.


If you haven't been paying attention to the U.N. General Assembly and other international events this week, you might want to read up before scrolling down to this week's news quiz.

Officials said Gonzalez had 800 rounds of ammunition in a nearby vehicle.

The candidate said, “I’ve voted on probably 8,000 bills give or take in my lifetime.”

The video portrayed a prophecy featuring a Muslim army carrying black flags arising from the region to overcome everyone else in the Middle East.

According to Ferguson authorities, five people, including one juvenile, were arrested early Wednesday in the aftermath of the incident for failing to disperse. 

Holder announced he would resign Thursday after nearly six years as the nation’s chief lawyer.

U.S. officials say there’s no evidence of the plot for an attack the Iraqi P.M. claims is “imminent.”

Among the demonstrators were Leonardo DiCaprio, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), and U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

The strikes mark a major escalation in the American military campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, which was previously limited to Iraq.  


President Obama’s resolution commits nations to take action to counter violent extremism, and requires world leaders to work together to prevent the equipping, transport or financing of terrorist groups.

During a speech at the United Nations, President Obama made the case for a broader effort to stop the outbreak of the deadly virus.

Some progressives want Ginsburg to resign in order to lock in a Democratic appointment.

Quiz junkie? Try the climate quiz here.