Thursday's Campaign Round-Up, 9.25.14

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

Today's installment of campaign-related news items that won't necessarily generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to political observers:
* A ruling from the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday cleared the way for Ohio's early voting to begin next week, but Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted (R) is already in the process of appealing the decision.
* In Arkansas' U.S. Senate race, the latest USA Today/Suffolk poll shows Sen. Mark Pryor (D) with a narrow lead over Rep. Tom Cotton (R), 45% to 43%. It's arguably the best independent poll the incumbent has seen in months.
* On a related note, the same poll shows former Rep. Asa Hutchinson (R) with a narrow lead over former Rep. Mike Ross (D) in Arkansas' gubernatorial race, 43% to 41%.
* In Massachusetts' gubernatorial race, Republican Charlie Baker hosted an event for women voters this week, after which a woman reporter asked the candidate about the NFL's domestic-violence scandal. Baker was inexplicably dismissive of her, calling the reporter "sweetheart."
* In related news from the Bay State, the latest WBUR poll shows Martha Coakley (D) leading Baker by 10 points, 46% to 36%.
* The Republican Governors Association continues to worry about Gov. Nathan Deal's (R) re-election prospects in Georgia, and the group this week launched new attack ads targeting state Sen. Jason Carter (D).
* In Louisiana's U.S. Senate campaign, Rep. Bill Cassidy (R) has taken the unexpected step of criticizing Sen. Mary Landrieu (D) for helping an LSU student with a keg stand during a tailgate party last weekend.
* The Democratic National Committee today kicked off a new Spanish-language ad campaign.  The first ads will air in Colorado, Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, and Nevada.
* In Virginia's U.S. Senate, the latest Roanoke College poll shows incumbent Sen. Mark Warner (D) cruising past Ed Gillespie (R), 46% to 27%.
* And with President Obama's slumping approval ratings, he won't be campaigning with too many Democrats in tough races this year, but in Michigan, Senate hopeful Gary Peters (D) is happy to welcome him to the stump.