Santorum on marriage and napkins

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum got all "metaphysical” when trying to explain why he thinks marriage equality should not exist in this


Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum got all "metaphysical” when trying to explain why he thinks marriage equality should not exist in this country. Speaking at a grocery store in Iowa, the right-winger cited a napkin as an example to somehow prove his point. He likened marriage to a napkin, though that’s not be confused with a paper towel.

"I can call this napkin a paper towel," the former Pennsylvania senator explained. "But it is a napkin. And why? Because it is what it is. Right? You can call it whatever you want, but it doesn't change the character of what it is."

He continued, "So when people come out and say that marriage is something else — marriage is the marriage of five people, five, 10, 20. Marriage can be between fathers and daughters. Marriage can be between any two people, any four people, any 10 people, it can be any kind of relationship and we can call it marriage. But it doesn't make it marriage. Why? Because there are certain qualities and certain things that attach to the definition of what marriage is."

So much to say about this one... Lawrence will explain a few things to him in tonight's Rewrite.