Bachmann's fight for the tea party

The Keep Conservatives United group, a pro-Michele Bachmann Super PAC, just released an ad questioning Rick Perry's ultra conservative chops.


The Keep Conservatives United group, a pro-Michele Bachmann Super PAC, just released an ad questioning Rick Perry's ultra conservative chops. The video paints the Texas governor as a Texas-sized spender who's been "covering his deficits with record borrowing" — not a true "tea party guy." The clip later touts Bachmann the "honest conservative."

The Perry camp hit back against the ad this afternoon. "Congresswoman Bachmann's front-group ad is patently and provably false. Unlike Washington, the Texas budget is balanced, does not run deficits and limits spending, even as Texas added jobs and population in big numbers," said Perry’s spokesman Ray Sullivan in a statement.

The ad will start airing on TV in South Carolina next week.

Team Bachmann has reason to go on the offensive. A new Quinnipiac Poll shows Perry with more than a 2-1 margin over Bachmann among all Republicans. Perry's also trouncing her among tea party members with a 17-point lead.