Jay Carney loses his fancy frames

In yesterday's White House press briefing, the biggest news wasn't the fact President Obama had just spoken in the Rose Garden or he was about to hit the road

Jay Carney loses his fancy frames

In yesterday's White House press briefing, the biggest news wasn't the fact President Obama had just spoken in the Rose Garden or he was about to hit the road touting his new jobs plan. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney and his glasses stole the show.

Jay Carney took the political media world by storm last week when he debuted his hipster-riffic glasses at press briefing on August 29. When one reporter asked if his glasses were new, Carney replied that yes, he had to get a new prescription and decided to throw in some spiffy new frames. He even referred to them as "retro nerdy."

However, yesterday Carney walked to the podium sporting his old boring eyewear. Carney's audience didn't even wait until OMB Director Jack Lew was finished with his presentation on the president's jobs plan to inquire about his MIA frames. Carney admitted he lost his new glasses and thinks he left them on the bumper of his car when he was setting up his son's new bike.

It looks like for now we must say goodbye to Carney's hipster specs and hope he graces us with a new style very soon (after all, it is Fashion week). Perhaps, Harry Potter spectacles? Maybe red frames, à la Sally Jessy? The Last Word staff came up with a few ideas — photoshopping courtesy of LW staffer Ronnie Polidoro.