Plumbers not backing up Joe

Joe the Plumber is back.

Samuel \"Joe the Plumber\" Wurzelbacher (file)

Joe the Plumber is back. Formally known as Joe Wurzelbacher, the regular guy (and unlicensed plumber) became a symbol of working-class America during the 2008 presidential campaign.

Now, he's considering his own run for office. He filed paperwork last week for a possible run for Congress against Republican Rob Frost in Ohio's Ninth District.

Wurzelbacher is currently the only Republican in the race. With redistricting in the area, veteran politicians Dennis Kucinich and Marcia Kaptur could duke it out for the same seat in the Democratic primary.

However, members of his own plumbing community are not so enthusiastic about his political ambitions.

Rick Terven of The United Association of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada, told Politico he supports Democrats like Dennis Kucinich and Marcy Kaptur. "'Joe the Plumber' does not represent the United Association nor our union members in any way," he said. "This is someone who appears to care more about being a celebrity than actually helping working families."

Jim Kendzel, CEO of the American Society of Plumbing Engineers, would not comment directly about Joe. Although he said he doesn't "believe he's actually a plumber." 

— Skivjana Neza