Awesome Internets: Tuesday edition

As has been previously entered into the annals of The Last Word blog (see this and this), I have a thing for surfing (even though I have no idea how to do it).


As has been previously entered into the annals of The Last Word blog (see this and this), I have a thing for surfing (even though I have no idea how to do it). And I'm pretty sure if Tron and its much-delayed, didn't-quite-live-up-to-my-expectations sequel, Tron: Legacy, had been about surfing the Internets those movies would have totally looked like this video. My point? A collision of surfing and sci-fi looking people definitely makes this video the winner of today's Awesome Internets competition that never really existed.

Given that summer is just starting in Australia, a few days ago the folks who make the sweet and tasty deliciousness known as Strongbow Cider teamed up on Bondi Beach with some skilled filmmakers and quite talented surfers using neon light emitting wetsuits and boards to make this slice of fried Internet gold.

The result? A web video that you should watch in full-screen mode with the lights off, of course!

ht Buzzfeed