Bunny Ranch brothel endorsing Ron Paul

 Ron Paul’s libertarian ideals have found a lasting home at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch.

Bunnies flashing their \"Pimpin for Paul\" signs (file).


Ron Paul’s libertarian ideals have found a lasting home at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch. Prostitutes at the Nevada-based establishment have embraced Ron Paul yet again as their choice for president, according to brothel owner and star of HBO's "Cathouse," Dennis Hof.

Newt Gingrich came in at a close second. According to the Daily Caller, Hof said, "We thought real closely about supporting Gingrich — because he's a cheater — and we like cheaters."

While extra-martial affairs may be good for the oldest business around, he said they "decided to go with the guy that's more about state's rights — and that's Ron Paul." About 500 "bunnies" at the ranch were surveyed.

Nevada allows counties to license brothels, so it's technically not illegal there.

As part of their "Pimpin for Paul" campaign to raise money for the Republican candidate, the ranch is offering a two-for-one deal on bunnies during the month of January.