Rev's Early Reads: September 9

TMZ says NFL never asked for Ray Rice beating video... Ferguson announces sweeping changes to courts, police... Pres. Obama to brief lawmakers on ISIS.

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Ferguson, MO City Council announces citizen review board for police and sweeping changes to warrants and court fines in the city.

Pres. Obama to brief congressional leaders today on his plan to defeat ISIS... while House Republicans meet with former VP Cheney.

TMZ Sports says NFL never asked the casino for video of Ray Rice punching out his wife in the elevator.

Vice President Biden on the Ray Rice beating video: "The Ravens did the right thing — fired him immediately."

Initial report on Malaysia Flight 17 says it was hit by multiple "high-energy objects" causing it to crash in Ukraine.

Los Angeles Times crunches the number and finds Pres. Obama has better record on the stock market than any GOP president in history.