Santorum sweeps deep south

In a virtual Republican three-way, Rick Santorum came out on top in Mississippi and Alabama on Tuesday.


In a virtual Republican three-way, Rick Santorum came out on top in Mississippi and Alabama on Tuesday. He inched closer in delegates to the current GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney, who placed third in the conservatives states.

"We did it again," Santorum greeted supporters in Lafayette, Louisiana. He asked conservatives to unite around him to beat the more moderate Romney for the GOP nomination. And it's looking more and more like a two-person race between him and Romney.

Struggling for survival, Newt Gingrich and company vowed to stay in the presidential race. Though common wisdom suggests he just get it over with and drop out. Our Newton isn't going down without a fight, or parting words.

"If you're the frontrunner and you keep coming in third, you're not much of a frontrunner," Gingrich said in Birmingham, Alabama.