Mitt Romney 'rapping' to Eminem

May I have your attention please?


May I have your attention please? There's a new mash-up dazzling the Interwebs, mixing standout quotes from Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney to the fast beat of Eminem's early aughts hit "The Real Slim Shady."

Here’s a sampling of lyrics:

Y'all act like you haven't seen a Mormon before.Jaws down on the floor.I'm not concerned about the very poor.Got it wrong. Sorry. That's not what I meant.I want every American to be in the top one percent.I'm really named Willard. That's my first name.I'm not looking for a colony on the moon. Just for someone to blame.

Hugh Atkin made the YouTube gem, which has gotten more than 30,000 clicks in the past 24 hours.

Last Word host Lawrence O’Donnell makes an appearance at the top of the clip.