Rev's Early Reads: September 5

New study shows wealth gap widening... Obamacare premiums to drop in key cities in 2015... judge blocks GOP cuts to early voting in Ohio.

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New study shows the top 3% of Americans hold 54% of the wealth.

Democrat in Kansas vows to fight GOP election officials in bid to be removed from Senate ballot.

Federal judge blocks GOP cuts to early voting in Ohio.

Fox News host says Pres. Obama "has a world view that is very anti-American."

Survey shows Obamacare premiums will decline in 16 U.S. cities in 2015.

House Republicans plan to start off fall session... with a vote condemning Pres. Obama for Sgt. Bergdahl release.

Speaker Boehner says immigration reform could happen in 2015 (of course, he also said it could happen in 2013 and 2014).