Christie on Veepstakes: 'I got this'

When it comes to the VP auditions, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie wants you to know, he's "got this."In a new viral video audition tape, he joked about his


When it comes to the VP auditions, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie wants you to know, he's "got this."

In a new viral video audition tape, he joked about his chances of receiving that special call to duty from Mitt Romney with his comedic nemesis, Democratic Newark Mayor Cory Booker. The skit plays into Booker's legend as The Hero, saving citizens from burning building and shoveling sidewalks in the winter — both of which, like, actually happened in real life. After stealing the spotlight from the governor throughout most of the video, Christie finally gets his moment to shine when the Newark mayor tries to foil a VP offer from Romney.

"Governor, Governor Romney, yes, yes, that was me running into the fire. Yes, I do shovel snow as well. Yes, you're very persuasive. But I'm not a number two guy. I'm not background singer. Mitt, sir, with all due respect, I know you need a big…" Booker tells Romney on the phone."Excuse me mayor," Christie springs up to intervene. "I got this."Too bad they didn’t release the tape earlier — James Lipton could have offered them a few pointers on their acting skills on our show.