Birther congressman confronted

If you want to see a politician operating on autopilot mode, watch this video.Colorado Republican Mike Coffman, who's in a tight race to keep his congressional


If you want to see a politician operating on autopilot mode, watch this video.

Colorado Republican Mike Coffman, who's in a tight race to keep his congressional seat, fanned the crazy town birther flames at a recent fundraiser and is now paying the price.

"I don't know whether Barack Obama was born in the United States or not," he told informed the crowd of conservative voters. "I don't know. But I do know that in heart he is not an American. He's just not an American."

The Republican later issued an apology saying, "I misspoke and I apologize." Ever since, he's been avoiding reporters and all public events — that is, until a local NBC reporter caught up with him on the street.That's when the robot switch came on and he repeated the same talking points over-and-over again instead of explaining his accusations against President Obama. Did not compute request. Please restart.