Rev's Early Reads: August 26

New poll on public attitudes toward police... Ferguson considers wearable cameras for officers... Pres. Obama to announce new executive actions.

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New poll shows 65% think police only do a fair or poor job in holding officers accountable for misconduct.

Ferguson officials now looking into wearable cameras for police officers.

Fox News wonders if it's biased to call Michael Brown an "unarmed teen."

New York Times faces criticism for article saying that Michael Brown was "no angel."

Pres. Obama to announce new executive actions to help veterans in speech to American Legion today.

Pres. Obama authorizes air surveillance of ISIS in Syria -- a possible prelude to new military strikes.

Scott Brown in 2014 says he doesn't believe in man-made climate change. Guess what he said in 2012?

GOP senate candidate uses image from the James Foley execution video in a campaign ad.