Tear gas and other headlines

Morning headlines: police fired tear gas during a 2nd night of protests in Missouri, Russian aid convoy heads for Ukraine, primaries in 3 states.


Police used tear gas on protesters in Ferguson, MO last night. (St. Louis Post Dispatch)

Huge Russian convoy leaves Moscow bearing aid for Ukraine. (NY Times) Ukraine threatens to block it. (BBC)

3 states hold primaries today: Connecticut, Minnesota, and Wisconsin (ABC News). 

Hawaii's Democratic Senate primary could be resolved by Friday or Saturday. (Washington Post)

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo loses a legal fight to keep a Democratic opponent off the primary ballot. (NY Daily News)

Obama fundraises for Dems with eye on Supreme Court. (The Hill)

Obama's statement on Robin Williams' death is rarer than you'd think. (New York Magazine Daily Intelligencer)

What are you reading this morning? Let us know in the comments, please.