S.E. Cupp latest NY Daily News article: Teach feminism some new tricks

Last week, after the women of the Democratic National Convention had finished making their pitches for more government assistance to help further their sexual l


Last week, after the women of the Democratic National Convention had finished making their pitches for more government assistance to help further their sexual liberation, I took to Twitter to shed a collective tear.“Feminism weeps,” I wrote, “as (Sandra) Fluke and other DNC women get on their metaphorical knees to beg for government to take care of them.”For all that first- and second-wave feminism did to empower women, to inspire us to be self-reliant and independent, it seems the narrative went from “men are the problem” to “the Man is the solution.” How sad.And in response to my tweet, some on the Net took immediate offense to what they read as a crass reference to oral sex — instead of reading it for its very literal meaning, there in black and white for all to see, spelled out explicitly.I guess I’m hardly surprised. The modern liberal feminist psyche has become so obsessed with sex, how the act itself and the consequences of it will be funded and celebrated, that contraception and abortion are seemingly feminism’s only urgent interests anymore.Like a Freudian fixation, sex is all they see. It is in everything.

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