We are 40 days away

As many of you know every Thursday we enter our Political Baseball game where we analyze the Presidential Race.


As many of you know every Thursday we enter our Political Baseball game where we analyze the Presidential Race. Today’s Gallup Daily Tracking poll has President Obama at  50% and  Romney’s at 44%. So, it only makes sense that we have reached a rain delay in our game. We are only 40 days from election day and October means Presidential debates.  Right now, it is clear Romney has had a tough recent stretch. Three weeks ago he was tied with President Obama at 46.8% and now President Obama is 4 points ahead, so what does this mean for Romney? Does he need another campaign re-set? We asked the question to Ed Rendell who joined the conversation to discuss the Superbowl of Politics.


But, the other question is what does this polling we gather actually mean? And more importantly how accurate are the numbers? Die-hard Republicans say that the mainstream polls lean too liberal. Is this true or is this just a new way for the Republicans to spin Romney’s numbers? We posed the question to our Spin Cycle and he here is what they had to say.