Happy Wednesday

Republicans have a new strategy against President Obama -- except they wanted to keep it private.

Happy Wednesday

Republicans have a new strategy against President Obama -- except they wanted to keep it private. During a private RNC call, it was suggested that party surrogates keep personal attacks against Obama to a minimum, because it could end up hurting them in return. From a GOP pollster on this private call:

"We're hesitant to jump on board with heavy attacks...There's a lot of people who feel sorry for him."

In other 2012 news, Seeking Clarity. When will the republican endorsements come and clarify front-runner status once and for all? John McCain may be moving closer to an endorsement. Christie's out on the trail. Where is everyone else?

Occupy protesters continue their move into foreclosed homes, arguing that the abandoned foreclosed houses owned by the banks  could be housing people. Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden is looking into that, and he's talking to us today about it.

And for all you conspiracy buffs out there, could Alec Baldwin's Plane-Gate have been a publicity stunt??

Happy Wednesday