Trending NOW

If you like Trending NOW, then be sure not to miss today's show.  We're doing a whole segment on trends affecting the candidates - over time and overnight.


If you like Trending NOW, then be sure not to miss today's show.  We're doing a whole segment on trends affecting the candidates - over time and overnight.  Fascinating insights into what people associate with each candidate, and how time affects their views.

Magid CPI: Costa Concordia Disaster: Rescuers blast holes in liner in desperate search; GOP Debate: Romney endures battering in South Carolina; Wikipedia to go dark for 24 hours to protest anti-piracy bill 

Google: south carolina debate; wikipedia blackout; betty white 

Twitter: Happy Birthday Muhammad Ali; Betty White; Good Morning Tweeps 

YouTube Politics: It's All Still True 

Billboard (Hot 100): We Found Love - Rihanna Featuring Calvin Harris; Sexy And I Know It - LMFAO; It Will Rain - Bruno Mars

Billboard (Ringtones): Sexy And I Know It - LMFAO; Red Solo Cup - Toby Keith; God Gave Me You - Blake Shelton