NOW Today

The fight for Michigan begins in earnest.Both Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are out with new ads and big spending dollars there as poll after poll points to a n


The fight for Michigan begins in earnest.

Both Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are out with new ads and big spending dollars there as poll after poll points to a new frontrunner. While the contest in Michigan and other states plays out (a new Quinnipiac poll has Santorum leading in Ohio, too), President Obama begins a three-day tour starting in Milwaukee with a pro-manufacturing message.  From there the President heads to fundraisers in Los Angeles - whose Mayor has just been tapped to take over the DNC from Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

And we welcome Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on the show for her take on the deal-making underway on the Hill right now.  Yes, plenty to talk about on NOW Today.



John Heilemann, New York Magazine/msnbc Political Analyst (@jheil)

Fmr. Gov. Ed Rendell (D-PA)

S.E. Cupp, NY Daily News Columnist (@secupp)

Hugo Lindgren, Editor, The New York Times Magazine (@hugolindgren)


Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) (@sengillibrand)

Ari Berman, The Nation (@ariberman)